Pulmonary tuberculosis
From IDWiki
Clinical Manifestations
- Presents as reactivation of latent infection months or years after primary tuberculosis
- Subacute or chronic cough (at least 2 to 3 weeks) eventually becoming productive and occasionally involving hemoptysis
- Should be suspected in any patient with cough and HIV infection
- Constitutional symptoms, with fevers, night sweats, and unexplained weight loss
- Usually from reactivation of latent tuberculosis infection, and usually reactivates in lung apices
- May transiently improve with partially-active antibiotics such as fluoroquinolones
- At least three consecutive sputum specimens, collected q8-24h, with at least one being an early morning specimen
- Spontaneous sputum, induced sputum, or bronchoalveolar lavage specimens
- Can be sent for either acid-fast staining of a smear and culture, or for PCR (e.g. GeneXpert)
- Chest x-ray may show signs of prior tuberculosis, including dense pulmonary nodules (with or without calcification) which can be hilar or upper lobe; small nodules with or without scarring/fibrosis in the upper lobes; upper lobe volume loss or bronchiectasis; pleural scarring
- Empiric treatment for suspected drug-susceptible tuberculosis is RIPE x2mo then RI x4mo
- Isoniazid 5mg/kg/d, max 300mg daily, with pyridoxine 25 mg po daily
- Rifampin 10mg/kg/d
- Pyrazinamide 25mg/kg/d, max 2g daily
- Ethambutol 20mg/kg/d, max 1.2g daily, which can be dropped once susceptibility testing shows that it is pan-susceptible
- Standard duration for uncomplicated disease is 6 months total, though it is extended if high risk of relapse (see Special Populations, below)
- Treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis is discussed separately
Special Populations
- For the elderly, or those at elevated risk of hepatotoxicity: can do induction phase without pyrazinamide and extend continuation phase to 7 months (from 4)
- For pregnant women: can consider dropping pyrazinamide and extending the course by 3 months, but if there is severe disease then likely should follow standard treatment
- For high risk of relapse, including extensive or cavitary disease in the first 2 months of treatment, culture-positivity after 2 months of treatment, or cavitary disease on CXR at end of treatment: the consolidation phase should be extended by 3 months (to 9 months total treatment)
- For severe liver disease:
- Avoid rifampin, isoniazid, and pyrazinamide
- Recommend a fluoroquinolone, ethambutol, and amikacin for 2 months followed by fluroquinolone and ethambutol for 18 months
- Can consider adding rifampin if they are monitored closely
Adjunctive Therapies
- The addition of metformin to the induction regimen has been shown to speed resolution of radiographic findings, such as cavitations1
- Metformin 500 mg p.o. daily for 1 week then 1000 mg p.o. daily for 7 weeks
- No difference in conversion of sputum culture
Infection Control
- Airborne precautions until:
- Treated for at least 2 weeks and symptoms are clearly improving
- 3x negative sputum smears
- They can be discharged home when clinical improvement, drug-resistant TB is not suspected and there is no contraindication for home isolation
- ^ Chandrasekaran Padmapriydarsini, Megha Mamulwar, Anant Mohan, Prema Shanmugam, N S Gomathy, Aarti Mane, Urvashi B Singh, Nathella Pavankumar, Abhijeet Kadam, Hemanth Kumar, Chandra Suresh, Devaraju Reddy, Poornaganga Devi, P M Ramesh, Lakshmanan Sekar, Shaheed Jawahar, R K Shandil, Manjula Singh, Jaykumar Menon, Randeep Guleria. Randomized Trial of Metformin With Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs for Early Sputum Conversion in Adults With Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2021;75(3):425-434. doi:10.1093/cid/ciab964.