Ethambutol 20mg/kg/d, max 1.2g daily, which can be dropped once susceptibility testing shows that it is pan-susceptible
Standard duration for uncomplicated disease is 6 months total, though it is extended if high risk of relapse (see below)
Treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis is discussed separately
Special populations
For the elderly, or those at elevated risk of hepatotoxicity: can do induction phase withoutpyrazinamide and extend continuation phase to 7 months (from 4)
For pregnant women: can consider dropping pyrazinamide and extending the course by 3 months, but if there is severe disease then likely should follow standard treatment
For high risk of relapse, including extensive or cavitary disease in the first 2 months of treatment, culture-positivity after 2 months of treatment, or cavitary disease on CXR at end of treatment: the consolidation phase should be extended by 3 months (to 9 months total treatment)