Stimulant use disorder

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  • A substance use disorder that includes cocaine (freebase, crack, rock), methamphetamine (crystal meth, meth, crystal, jib, speed, ice, tina, side), and other amphetamine-like substances (including prescription stimulants)
Stimulant Mechanism Half-life Routes of administration
Powder cocaine dopamine reuptake inhibitor 30 to 120 minutes snorted, but can be mixed with water and injected
Crack cocaine smoked, but can be mixed with an acid and injected
Freebase similar to crack, but may explode when smoked
Powder dopamine reuptake inhibitor, also increases dopamine release wide variability, about 10 to 30 hours snorted or pressed into a pill and taken orally
Base swallowed or injected
Crystal smoked, dissolved and injected, or snorted


  • Second-most commonly used illicit substance after marijuana


  • All stimulants act mainly on the dopamine system

Clinical Manifestations

Acute intoxication

  • Common symptoms include tachycardia or bradycardia, pupillary dilatation, high or low blood pressure, sweating, chills, nausea or vomiting, weight loss, psychomotor agitation or retardation, muscular weakness, respiratory depression, chest pain, arrhythmias, confusion, seizures, dyskinesia, dystonia, and coma
  • Severe intoxication may cause mania, paranoia, severe delirium, hypertension, agitation, sweating, formication and skin picking, choreoathetosis, and ataxia

Stimulant-induced psychosis

  • Schizophrenia complicates about 15 to 25% of chronic stimulant use within 2 to 5 years
  • Unclear what the causal relationship is between stimulants and schizophrenia

Other sequelae


  • Symptoms include depressed mood, vivid dreams, fatigue, insomnia, hypersomnia, cravings, psychomotor agitation or impairment, increased appetite, agitation, irritability, and cognitive impairment


Urine drug screen



  • Generally focussed on supportive care


Chronic treatment