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Schistosoma /
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  • Infection with a species of the genus Schistosoma


Risk Factors

  • Fresh water exposure in endemic countries


  • Seroprevalence in migrants by region of origin1
    • Latin America and the Caribbean (20%; 9-34)
    • Middle East and north Africa (6.4%; 0.3-19.5)
    • Sub-Saharan Africa (24.1%; 16-33)
    • South Asia (0%; 0-69)
    • East Asia and the Pacific (5.4%; 2-10)

Clinical Manifestations

Swimmer's Itch

  • Cercariae penetrate exposed skin and cause prickling sensation and occasionally urticaria, followed hours later by a macular rash
  • Caused by schistosomes that do not cause systemic illness
  • Common in Great Lakes region of North America, New England in the US, and other parts of North America and Europe

Katayama Fever

  • Syndrome of acute schistosomiasis that follows 4 to 8 weeks (range 2 to 12 weeks), after the flukes have migrated, developed into adults, and have started producing eggs
  • The syndrome represents a hypersensitivity reaction to the eggs produced by adult worms
  • More common with Schistosoma japonicum and Schistosoma mansoni, and less common with Schistosoma haematobium
  • Symptoms include abrypt onset of fever, chills, fatigue, headache, myalgias, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and occasionally bloody stool
  • Most also develop cough, dyspnea, chest pain, and diffuse infiltrates on chest x-ray
    • Lung nodules contain granulomas around eggs
  • Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, and lymphadenopathy are common
  • Eggs may not be seen in stool until later in the course of the disease
  • Symptoms usually resolve within 2 to 10 weeks
  • Can involve symptoms anywhere the worms migrate and deposit eggs: CNS, genital tract, and skin
    • However, an induced small-vessel vasculitis can also cause neurological symptoms

Chronic Schistosomiasis

  • Can be asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic
  • Chronic granulomatous inflammation causes weight loss, anemia, stunted growth
  • Eosinophilia is common


  • Labs
    • CBC, showing eosinophilia
    • Schistosoma serology (only positive 6 weeks after infection)
    • Egg detection in stool, urine, semen, or tissue biopsy
  • Imaging
    • Eggs can cause granulomatous disease in various organs
    • Bladder polyps and obstruction may be seen on ultrasound


  • Usually based on serology
    • Can cross-react with other helminth co-infections, including trichinosis and filariasis
    • Can remain positive and even fluctuate for years after cure2


  • Acute
  • Chronic
    • Praziquantel 20-40 mg/kg or 40-60 mg/kg (if at risk for S. japonica)
    • Given over one day split into 3 doses
    • May be repeated 6 weeks later, though this practice is not universal
    • No role for test-of-cure serology


  • Increased risk of squamous cell carcinoma, which increase with young age at infection, duration of infection, high burden of infection, and bladder wall fibrosis


  1. ^  Archana Asundi, Alina Beliavsky, Xing Jian Liu, Arash Akaberi, Guido Schwarzer, Zeno Bisoffi, Ana Requena-Méndez, Ian Shrier, Christina Greenaway. Prevalence of strongyloidiasis and schistosomiasis among migrants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Global Health. 2019;7(2):e236-e248. doi:10.1016/s2214-109x(18)30490-x.
  2. ^  Michelle K. Yong, Carolyn L. Beckett, Karin Leder, Beverley A. Biggs, Joseph Torresi, Daniel P. O’Brien. Long‐Term Follow‐Up ofSchistosomiasisSerology Post‐Treatment in Australian Travelers and Immigrants. Journal of Travel Medicine. 2010;17(2):89-93. doi:10.1111/j.1708-8305.2009.00379.x.