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(: imported notes from 'Hyaline molds')
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== Management ==
== Management ==
=== Antifungal resistance ===
* '''Broth microdilution''' is the main method for determining ''Aspergillus'' susceptibility recommended by CLSI and EUCAST. Microdilution results are affected by a number of factors (shape of the microdilution well, inoculum concentration, temperature and length of incubation time), so testing must be rigorously standardized.
* '''Antifungal mechanisms'''
** '''Polyenes''' (amphotericin): binds ergosterol to create pores within the cell membrane.
** '''Triazoles''' (except fluconazole): inhibit sterol synthesis of ergosterol by disrupting 14-alpha demethylase. The mechanisms of resistance are myriad: modification of target enzymes, an increased expression of drug efflux mechanisms, an overexpression of target enzymes, an incorporation of exogenous cholesterol, an overexpression of HSP90 and of a sterole-regulatory element binding protein.
** '''Echinocandins''' (the fungins): disrupt synthesis of beta-glucan in the cell wall by inhibiting 1,3-beta glucan synthase.
* '''Resistance patterns'''
** All species are resistant to fluconazole. Historically, amphotericin has been the most reliable anti-''Aspergillus'' antifungal; now, voriconazole is the standard.
** Resistance to amphotericin is seen in ''A. terreus'', ''A. flavus'', and other less common species.
** ''A. niger'' has variable susceptibility to azoles. There is increasing ''A. fumigatus'' resistance to azoles, with reports being most common from Europe. ''A. calidoustus'' (within ''A. ustus'' complex) is a growing cause, with late presentation, intrinsic antifungal resistance, and high mortality.
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! Organism
! AmB
! Fluc
! Itra
! Vori
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! Anidula
! Caspo
! Mica
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=== Aspergilloma ===
=== Aspergilloma ===

Revision as of 13:06, 23 August 2019


  • Aspergillus is a mold with hyaline (lightly-pigmented) hyphae, septated, and usually branched at acute angle (45º)
  • Named for the appearance of the sporulating head, which looks like an aspergillum used to sprinkle holy water (in 1729)
  • Most species reproduce asexually, although A. fumigatus and a few others have teleomorphs (sexual form with fruiting body)
  • Culture is important, but molecular methods are often required to identify the particular species
    • Pathogenic species grow quickly on common media
    • Can grow at 37º C, and A. fumigatus can grow up to 50º C
  • Organized into complexes, which cannot be differentiated phenotypically, but rather need molecular methods
    • Fumigatus: fumigatus, lentulus, udagawae
    • Ustus: A. calidoustus (inherent resistance to ampho B)
    • Niger: A. tubingensis and A. niger
    • Versicolor: A. versicolor and A. sydowii
Species Colonies Head Conidiophore Phialides Other
A. flavus Yellow green, yellow, brownish File:Media/image11.png Rough colourless Uniseriate and biseriate Sclerotia sometimes present
A. fumigatus complex Grey-green, blue green, yellowish File:Media/image5.png Smooth, colourless or greenish Uniseriate Good growth at 48ºC
A. glaucus Green and yellow, yellowish, brown File:Media/image2.png Smooth, colourless Uniseriate Yellow to orange cleistothecia present
A. nidulans Green buff, purplish red, olive File:Media/image8.png Smooth, brown Biseriate Round hülle cells and cleistothecia with purple ascospores usually present
A. niger Black, white, yellowish File:Media/image1.png Smooth, colourless or brown Biseriate
A. terreus Brown cinnamon, yellowish brown File:Media/image4.png Smooth, colourless Biseriate Round, solitary aleurioconidia produced directly on hyphae
A. ustus Light brown, grayish brown, yellowish brown Smooth, brown Biseriate Long, brown-walled conidiophores, small vesicles, rough-walled conidia
A. versicolor White, buff, yellow, pink, pale green, white, yellow, purplish red Smooth, colourless Biseriate Round hülle cells sometimes present


  • Ubiquitous worldwide, found in soil, water, food, air, and decaying vegetation
  • There is increasing antifungal resistance worldwide
  • Outbreaks can occur with construction
  • May also be possible to have activation of latent infecton or colonization, making infection control more difficult

High-Risk Populations

  • The major risk factor is defective function or decreased number of neutrophils
  • In order of risk: CGD, alloSCT with GVHD, AML with induction or (worse) reinduction, everyone else, etc.
  • CGD is the highest risk disease; other at-risk groups include lung disease, AIDS, etc.
  • Hematopoitic stem cell transplants are highest risk (7% allo, 1% auto)
    • Peaks <40 days and >100 days
    • With or without neutropenia, most likely related to steroid use
  • Hematologic malignancies
    • Usually following induction chemotherapy, or refractory or recurrenct disease (50% mortality)
    • 3+7 AML induction usually 14-21 days of neutropenia
  • Solid-organ transplants
    • Highest among lung transplant recipients (6%) due to ongoing environmental exposure, decreased ciliary clearance, and common concomitant Aspergillus colonization
    • Followed by liver (4%), heart (2%), and kidney (0.5%)
    • Usually diagnosed at 6 to 12 months
  • Therapeutic immunosuppression, including prednisone and anti-TNF-alpha
  • GVHD increases the risk, due to the additional immune suppression
    • Highest risk within GVHD is with gut involvement
  • Solid maligancies are relatively low risk due to the short courses of neutropenia, but increasing risk with newer chemotherapies


  • Initially acquired by inhalation of conidia into lungs or sinuses, or rarely from local tissue invasion
  • The conidia grow and germinate, transforming into hyphae and invading the vasculature
    • Hydrocortisone appears to be a growth factor for Aspergillus
    • Vascular invasion is typical of invasive aspergillosis
    • May cause pulmonary infarction
  • This can be followed by hematogenous dissemination
  • The host immune response begins with ciliary clearance to prevent the conidia from reaching the alveoli
  • Once in the alveoli, the response depends on pulmonary macrophages to phagocytose the conidia
  • Following germination and growth of hyphae, PMNs act to kill hyphae and swollen conidia
    • This is helped by opsonization of conidia by complement
    • Antibodies are common, given the mold's ubiquity, but not protective
  • A. fumigatus has small conidia, allowing it to reach the alveoli more easily, and also produces a complement inhibitor

Clinical Presentation

Colonization and superficial infections

Aspergilloma (fungal ball)

  • Ball of hyphae growing in a preexisting cavity, often in bullous emphysema, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, congenital cysts, bacterial lung abscesses, or Pneumocystis bleb
  • Often asymptomatic, but the most common symptom is hemoptysis, which can be fatal
  • Can also occur in the sinuses

Other supreficial infections

  • Otomycosis: chronic otitis externa caused by A. niger or A. fumigatus
  • Onychomycosis
  • Keratitis

Allergic syndromes

Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA)

  • Caused by a Th2 response to Aspergillus, usually in patients with asthma or cystic fibrosis
  • Criteria include: asthma, central bronchiectasis on CT, positive skin test for Aspergillus, total IgE >417 IU/mL, IgE or IgG antibodies to A. fumigatus, transient CXR infiltrates, Aspergillus precipitans, and eosinophilia
  • Supported by Aspergillus on sputum culture, brown mucous plugs with dead eosinophils, and CXR showing bronchiectasis
  • The course is characterized by exacerbations and remissions, leading to eventual pulmonary fibrosis and chronic pulmonary aspergillosis

Allergic fungal sinusitis

  • Can be Aspergillus or other molds
  • Mangement is mostly surgical

Chronic cavitary pulmonary aspergillosis (CCPA)

  • One or more cavities that can contain solid or liquid material or a fungal ball, usually following creation of multiple cavities from another process
  • May present with pulmonary or constitutional symptoms, including hemoptysis, dyspnea, and productive cough
    • Weight loss and fatigue are common and profound, while fevers are less common
    • May mimic TB
  • Diagnosis requires:
    • 3 months of symptoms or chronic illness or progressive radiological abnormalities with cavitation, pleural thickening, perivacitary infiltrates +/- fungal ball
    • Aspergillus IgG antibodies
    • No or minimal immunocompromise
  • Must rule out other causes of symptoms, including other causes of weight loss

Invasive aspergillosis

  • aka. angioinvasive, invading the vasculature

Chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis

  • With mild or moderate immunosuppression, patients may develop chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis (CNPA), essentially a subacute form of invasive aspergillosis

Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis

  • Usually after 10 to 12 days of severe neutropenia
  • Non-productive cough, dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, and fever with pulmonary infiltrates despite broad-spectrum antibiotics
    • Symptoms may be less prominent in patients with defective immunity
    • Fever dampened by high dose steroids
  • Also hemoptysis, pleural effusion, and pneumothorax
    • Can mimic a pulmonary embolism
  • Imaging may show multiple dense nodular pulmonary infiltrates without air bronchograms, suggesting extensive infection
    • Classic, though, is pleural-based wedge-shaped densities or cavitary lesions
    • Pleural effusions are common
    • A nodular lesion wth a halo is suggestive of early aspergillosis, followed by cavitation in later disease

Other sites of invasive respiratory aspergillosis

  • Ulcerative tracheobronchitis, a high concern in lung transplant
    • May mimic graft rejection
  • Invasive rhinosinusitis, with mortality of 10-20%
  • Hematogenous dissemination to any organ, associated with 90% mortality

Other sites of invasive aspergillosis

  • Cerebral aspergillosis, which may explain half of all CNS lesions in HSCT
    • Presents >100 days after transplant, usually with concomitant pulmonary disease
    • Presents with focal neuro signs, altered mental status, and headaches
  • Osteomyelitis
    • Vertebral osteomyelitis may result from extension of empyema, but is also the most common site of hematogenous dissemination
  • Skin and soft tissue infection
    • Either from hematogenous spread or local invasion
    • Often around IVs or adhesive dressings
    • Neutropenic patients as well as burns and surgical sites

Specific risk groups

  • For CGD and AML induction and SOT, it tends to be isolated pulmonary aspergillosis
  • In SCT with GVHD, you tend to see more CNS aspergillosis and disseminated aspergillosis


  • Culture positive for Aspergillus and histology with invasive hyphae
    • Only 10-30% of patients with IA have a positive BAL culture, improved with use of fungal media
  • Serology
    • Antibodies is unhelpful, given that the mold is ubiquitous
    • Galactomannan by EIA
      • Best-studied and most sensitive in HSCT patients
      • It is a meleased from the fungal cell wall on growth
      • Cutoff of 0.5 is good, 80% Sn and Sp (up to 90% in HSCT patients' serum)
      • BAL is more sensitive, but prophylaxis decreases sensitivity
      • Can be done from CSF
      • False-positives may occur with pip/tazo and other beta-lactams (though mostly of historical interest now)
    • 1,3-beta-D-glucan (BDG): can detect Candida and Pneumocystis as well, so less specific. May be useful in combination with GM.
    • Combination serologies: GM (BAL) Sn 43-56% and Sp 97%; BDG (blood) Sn 56-65% and Sp 97%; combination of either test positive Sn 78-92%% and Sp 93%, while PCR did not have any additional benefit (source).
  • Molecular testing
    • Fungal PCR possible, but not routinely done; may not be helpful since the fungus is ubiquitous and wouldn’t differentiate invasive disease vs. colonization.
    • Microarray DNA: Microbiologic diagnostics are often combined with imaging to diagnose probable invasive fungal infection.
  • Imaging can be helpful
    • Halo sign on CT is present for about the first 7 days of disease in neutropenic patients
    • Can also have nodules, pleural-based infarctions, or vacitation, as well as non-specific consolidation


Antifungal resistance

  • Broth microdilution is the main method for determining Aspergillus susceptibility recommended by CLSI and EUCAST. Microdilution results are affected by a number of factors (shape of the microdilution well, inoculum concentration, temperature and length of incubation time), so testing must be rigorously standardized.
  • Antifungal mechanisms
    • Polyenes (amphotericin): binds ergosterol to create pores within the cell membrane.
    • Triazoles (except fluconazole): inhibit sterol synthesis of ergosterol by disrupting 14-alpha demethylase. The mechanisms of resistance are myriad: modification of target enzymes, an increased expression of drug efflux mechanisms, an overexpression of target enzymes, an incorporation of exogenous cholesterol, an overexpression of HSP90 and of a sterole-regulatory element binding protein.
    • Echinocandins (the fungins): disrupt synthesis of beta-glucan in the cell wall by inhibiting 1,3-beta glucan synthase.
  • Resistance patterns
    • All species are resistant to fluconazole. Historically, amphotericin has been the most reliable anti-Aspergillus antifungal; now, voriconazole is the standard.
    • Resistance to amphotericin is seen in A. terreus, A. flavus, and other less common species.
    • A. niger has variable susceptibility to azoles. There is increasing A. fumigatus resistance to azoles, with reports being most common from Europe. A. calidoustus (within A. ustus complex) is a growing cause, with late presentation, intrinsic antifungal resistance, and high mortality.
Organism AmB Fluc Itra Vori Posa Anidula Caspo Mica Flucyt
Aspergillus spp. + + + + + + +
* A. flavus* ± + + + + + +
* A. fumigatus* + + + + + + +
* A. terreus* + + + + + +
* A. niger* + ± + + + + +


  • If asymptomatic and single aspergilloma, monitor
  • If symptoms, especially hemoptysis, surgical resection (if possible)
  • No role for antifungals

Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA)

  • Indications for treatment
    • Diagnose with Aspergillus-IgE
    • If ongoing symptoms despite appropriate management of asthma (including oral steroids), treat with itraconazole
    • If CF patient has frequent exacerbations or falling FEV1, treat with itraconazole
  • Itraconazole 200 mg/day for 16 weeks, which decreases steroid use and increases patient function

Allergic fungal rhinosinusitis

  • Polypectomy and sinus washout
  • Topical nasal steroids
  • Oral antifungal therapy can be tried if above does not work, but rarely effective

Chronic cavitary pulmonary aspergillosis (CCPA)

  • If asymptomatic, monitor every 3-6 months, with investigations every 3-12 months including
    • Low-dose CT chest or CXR
    • ESR/CRP
    • Aspergillus IgG titres
    • Annual PFTs
  • If pulmonary symptoms, constitutional symptoms, or worsening lung function, treat with 6+ months of antifungal therapy
    • Itraconazole or voriconazole
    • If this fails, try IV micafungin, caspofungin, or amphotericin B
  • If hemoptysis, treat with tranexamic acid, pulmonary artery embolization, or antifungal therapy
  • May need surgical resection if localized disease refractory to medical management

Invasive aspergillosis

  • Voriconazole 6 mg/kg IV q12h x2 then 4 mg/kg IV q12h, or 200 mg po q12h
    • Alternative: liposomal amphotericin B 3 mg/kg/day
    • Salvage: echinocandins (caspo, or other)
    • If hepatotoxicity with voriconazole, switch to posaconazole
    • Vori superior to amphofor mortality
    • Combo vori+anidula no better than vori except in post-hoc analysis of possible early treatment
    • In the future, watch out for isuvaconazole—may be superior to vori
  • Duration 6-12 weeks depending on immunosuppression
  • Follow-up CT after a minimum of 2 weeks, or earlier if deterioration

Breakthrough infection

  • Base empiric treatment on local epidemiology
  • Probably fewer breakthroughs in HSCT patients with posaconazole prophylaxis


  • Technically should be assessed at 6 weeks (2 weeks at a minimum, based on pharmacokinetics)


  • For high-risk patients in hospital (e.g. HSCT), use air filters, frequent air exchanges, and positive-pressure ventilation

Antifungal prophylaxis

  • Posaconazole prophylaxis is first to demonstrate survival benefit for AML/induction patients
  • AML induction: posaconazole, voriconazole, or micafungin
    • Caspofungin probably also effective
    • Itraconazole also effective but poorly tolerated
  • HSCT with moderate to severe GVHD: posaconazole (voriconazole is alternative)
    • Reduces invasive fungal infections, but no mortality benefit
  • Immunosuppression for GVHD: prophylaxis for duration of immunosuppression (steroids >1mg/kg/d for >2 weeks, or lymphocyte-depleting agents, or TNF-alpha inhibition)
  • Lung transplant: vori/itra/inhaled amphoB for 3 to 4 months after transplant, and when receiving thymoglobulin, alemtuzumab, or high-dose steroids
  • Other solid-organ transplant: decision based on per-patient risk factors
  • Prior IA requiring new immunosuppression: may also benefit from prophylaxis