Zika virus

From IDWiki


  • Single-stranded, positive-sense RNA virus in the Flaviviridae family, genus Flavivirus
  • Discovered in 1947 in Zika Forest, Uganda
  • Vector-borne infection carried primarily by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, but possibly also Aedes albopictus mosquitoes
  • Sexual transmission appears to be possible
  • Now essentially endemic in tropics worldwide

Clinical Manifestations

Postinfectious Complications

Congenital Infection

Differential Diagnosis

Feature Dengue Zika Chikungunya
Asymptomatic 40-80% 35-85% 3-28%
Fever +++ ++ +++
Rash + +++ ++
Conjunctivitis ++ +
Arthralgia + ++ +++
Myalgia ++ + +
Headache ++ + ++
Hemorrhage ++
Shock +
Thrombocytopenia +++ +
Leukopenia ++ ++


  • Serum rRT-PCR, ideally done within 10 days of symptoms onset
  • Serology can be tested after 10 days of symptoms, but is non-specific


  • Supportive
  • For risk of congenital disease
    • If asymptomatic, no need to delay attempts at conception
    • If symptomatic and diagnosis is confirmed, counsel to delay attempts at conception for 2 months (women) or 3 months (men) after return from the endemic area
    • If symptomatic and diagnosis is not confirmed, then discuss with the patient
    • If the woman is pregnant and man has compatible symptoms, should abstain from unprotected sex for the duration of pregnancy