
From IDWiki


Clinical Manifestations

  • Occurs in immunocompromised patients
  • Presentation depends on the organ involved
  • Appear as tender ulcerations, nodules, papules, plaques, or fungating masses
  • When cutaneous, most common in perianal and genital skin

Complications and Prognosis

  • Typically self-limited and may spontaneously remit over 4 to 6 months
  • 81% cure with antibiotics

Differential Diagnosis


  • Based on biopsy, where histopathology shows Michaelis-Gutmann bodies and von Hansemann cells
    • Can be send for culture, too


  • Decrease immunosuppression, if feasible
  • Surgically resect the lesions
  • Treat with antibiotics that have intraceullular activity
  • Antibiotics may be continued a low suppressive doses to prevent recurrence

Further Reading