Tick-borne infections

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Clinical Manifestations

  • Many of the diseases should be suspected in patients with:
    • Flu-like illness that occurs not in flu season
    • ± cytopenias, ± liver enzyme abnormalities
    • Exposure history (outdoors activities, rats)

By Disease

Common Diseases

Lyme disease Babesiosis Anaplasmosis Ehrlichiosis RMSF
Pathogen B. burgdorferi B. microti A. phagocytophilum E. chaffeensis R. rickettsii
Incubation 2-3 wk 1-4 wk 5-14 d 5-14 d 3-12 d
Tick Black-legged tick Black-legged tick Black-legged tick Black-legged tick, Lonestar tick American dog tick
Symptoms Fever Fever, headache, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea Fever, headache Fever, headache, myalgias, nausea/vomiting Fever, headache
Cells Disseminated Erythrocytes Granulocytes Monocytes Vascular endothelial
Rash Erythema migrans Rare Rare Maculopapular (30%) Maculopapular; eschar with R. parkeri
Labs Uncommon Hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, liver enzymes Leukopenia, liver enzymes, thrombocytopenia Leukopenia ± lymphocytosis, liver enzymes, thrombocytopenia Thrombocytopenia, liver enzymes, hyponatremia
Complications Carditis, neurological symptoms, arthritis DIC, ARDS, CHF, AKI Opportunistic infections, shock Seizure, coma, CHF, pericardial effusion, shock Coma/seizure (30%)
Diagnosis EM, serology Microscopy Serology, ±microscopy Serology, ±microscopy Serology, biopsy
Mortality Rare 3-20% 7-10% 2-5% 8%
Treatment Doxycycline Azithromycin, Atovaquone Doxycycline Doxycycline Doxycycline

Other Diseases

Disease Vector Clinical Manifestations
African tick-bite fever Amblyomma fever with eschar in Africa
Mediterranean spotted fever Rhipicephalus sanguineus fever with eschar in the Mediterranean
Powassan virus Ixodes encephalitis in North America
Rickettsioses, not otherwise specified multiple fever ±rash ±ulcer
Rocky Mountain spotted fever multiple fever with cetripetal rash in North America
Southern tick-associated rash illness Amblyomma americanum erythema migrans in the southern US
Tick-borne encephalitis Ixodes biphasic: flu-like illness followed by meningoencephalitis
Tick-borne relapsing fever Ornithodorus relapsing-remitting febrile illness (3 days on, 7 off)
Tick paralysis Dermacentor ascending paralysis with preserved sensation
Tularemia multiple severe flu-like illness ±ulcer ±lymphadenopathy

By Tick

Tick Distribution Transmits Comments
American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis) East of the Rockies, and in limited areas in the Pacific coast Tularemia and RMSF Highest risk of bites in spring and summer. Sometimes called wood ticks.
Blacklegged (deer) tick (Ixodes scapularis) Across the eastern US and in Ontario Lyme disease, Anaplasma, B. miyamotoi, ehrlichiosis, babesiosis, and Powassan virus Highest risk in spring through fall, but can be found any time it's above freezing.
Brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) Worldwide RMSF (uncommon) Dogs are the primary host but it can also bite humans.
Gulf Coast tick (Amblyomma maculatum) Coastal areas along the Guld of Mexico and southern Atlantic Rickettsia parkeri
Lone Star tick (Amblyomma americanum) Southeastern and eastern United States Ehrlichiosis, Heartland virus, tularemia, STARI Very aggressive tick. Irritation at site does not indicate infection.
Rocky Mountain wood tick (Dermacentor andersoni) Rocky Mountains and southwestern Canada from elevations of 4,000 to 10,500 feet RMSF, Colorado tick fever, and tularemia
Western blacklegged tick (Ixodes pacificus) Pacific coast of the U.S., particularly northern California Anaplasmosis and Lyme disease
Soft tick (Ornithodoros species) Tick-borne relapsing fever (non-Lyme Borrelia species) Short feeds at night, associated with rodents

Further Reading