Dermatobia hominis
From IDWiki
- Tropical bot fly, American warble fly, tórsalo, colmoyote, moyocuil suglacuru, and berne
Life Cycle
- Eggs are attached to abdomen of a mosquito (phoresis), or rest on foliage
- Warmth from a mammal host causes egg to hatch, releasing the first instar (stage I) larva to penetrate the skin
- It develops into second instar (stage II) after 5 to 10 weeks, then third instar (stage III)
- It then leaves the host to pupate in the soil
- Most common cause of myiasis in Central and South America
Clinical Manifestations
- Usually a single furuncular lesion
- Can cause pain or tenderness, occasionally with paroxysms of lancinating pain
- Can have sensation of movement or crawling
- Can develop a secondary bacterial infection