From IDWiki
Clinical Assessment
- Fluency, based on rate of speech
- Fluent vs. non-fluent
- Broca's: slow and paraphasic errors
- Repetition
- "1, 2, 3, 4"
- Sing Happy Birthday
- "No ifs, ands, or bots"
- "The president lives in Washington"
- Naming, including low-frequency words
- Comprehension
- Use only verbal clues, not physical cues
- "Touch your nose, close your eyes"
- "Point to the door"
- "Do you put your shoes on before your socks?"
- "Does it snow in summer?"
- "A lion and tiger are in a fight; the lion killed the tiger. Which is dead?"
- Reading and writing
- Aphasis is a defect in language processing, not in speech
- Paraphasic errors only occur in aphasia
- Broca: nonfluent, poor repitition, poor naming, normal comprehension, poor writing normal reading, +/-hemiplegia
- Wernicke: fluent, word salad, paraphasias, poor naming, poor comprehension, poor readinga nd writing, usually spares motor function
- Global: both of above
- Conduction: fluent, poor repetition, poor naming, normal comprehension
- Transcortical motor or sensory: spares repetition