Blastoconidia: created by budding from the apex or side of a conidiophore. May be solitary, in chains, sympodial (like alternating leaves), or multiseptate.
Annelloconidia: with rings on an annellide.
Phialoconidia: with a collarette on a bottle-shaped phialide, conidia releated from collaratte.
Thallic conidia: conidia created from existing hyphal segments
Arthroconidia: may be simple or alternate (with disjunctor cells).
Aleurioconidia: may have macroconidia or microconidia.
Identification of Yeasts
Colony appearance
Budding cells: may be unipolar or (rarely) bipolar, or (rarely) division by fission
Filamentation, including pseudohyphae and true hyphae (which includes germination tubes)
Conidium or chlamydospore production
Physiological tests, including chromagar Candida medium