Enterococcus hirae

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Enterococcus hirae /
Revision as of 19:20, 5 December 2024 by Aidan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:''Enterococcus hirae''}} == Background == * Stain::Gram-positive Shape::coccus within the genus Genus::Enterococcus * Rare cause of infections in humans * Most frequent sources in one case series was biliary, followed by urine, followed by wound and peritonealCiteRef::piccinini2022 == Management == * Generally susceptible to ampicillin Category:Gram-positive cocci")
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  • Gram-positive coccus within the genus Enterococcus
  • Rare cause of infections in humans
  • Most frequent sources in one case series was biliary, followed by urine, followed by wound and peritoneal1



  1. ^  Daniele Piccinini, Enos Bernasconi, Caroline Di Benedetto, Gladys Martinetti Lucchini, Marco Bongiovanni. Enterococcus hirae infections in the clinical practice. Infectious Diseases. 2022;55(1):71-73. doi:10.1080/23744235.2022.2125066.