Β-lactam resistance

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Β-lactam resistance /
Revision as of 18:33, 15 November 2019 by Aidan (talk | contribs) (Added NDM)


  • ß-lactamase production: enzymatic breakdown of beta lactam antibiotic
  • Penicillin binding protein mutations (e.g. MRSA)
  • Efflux pump mutations
  • Porin channel mutations that reduce antibiotic influx

Ambler Classification of ß-lactamases

  • Based on amino acid sequences rather than function
  • Classes A, C, and D are serine ß-lactamases
  • Class A: original active-site serine ß-lactamases
  • Class B: original metallo-ß-lactamases
  • Class C: AmpC ß-lactamases
  • Class D: OXA ß-lactamases

Specific ß-lactamases