Lentivirus humimdef1

From IDWiki
Lentivirus humimdef1 /
  • A chronic immunodeficiency resulting from infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a severe form of HIV characterized by low CD4 count resulting in characteristic infections


  • A member of the Retroviridae family

Clades / Subtypes

  • HIV-1
    • M group
      • Clade A: common in East Africa
      • Clade B: is common in Canada, Americas, Europe
  • HIV-2

Life Cycle

  • Two phases: initial viral attachment, fusion, reverse transcription, and integration; and the following lifetime of the viral infection
  • Initial cellular infection
    1. Binding or attachment of the virion gp120 Env surface protein to the CD4 receptor with CCR5 or CXCR4 coreceptor (on macrophage or T-cell, respectively).
    2. Binding the receptor triggers a conformational change that exposes the fusion domain on gp41, which facilitates fusion and viral entry. The proceeding viral disassembly requires viral protein p24 to bind to cellular cyclophilin A.
    3. In the cytoplasm, reverse transcriptase converts viral RNA into viral DNA. The RNA is degraded, then the complementary strand of DNA created.
    4. The preintegration complex of double-stranded DNA is imported into the nucleus using viral Gag, viral protein R (Vpr), and integrase. Unlike other retroviruses, HIV does not require active replication to enter the nucleus.
  • Infection of lymphoid cells and lymph nodes, especially gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)
    • Infection therefore kills a large proportion of CD4 cells in the gut
  • HIV enters from the mucosa to infect activated Langerhans macrophages, which then get to the local lymphoid tissue


  • 63,000 Canadians living with HIV in 2016
  • 14% don't know they have it
  • Methods of acquisition in Canada
    • MSM (52% of cases)
    • People who inject drugs (17% of cases)
    • Heterosexual sex (33% of cases)

Risk Factors

  • High-risk exposures
    • MSM
    • Multiple partners
    • Injection drug use
    • Sex work
  • Aboriginal Canadians (2.7x higher incidence)
  • African and Caribbean people (endemic countries)
  • Prior STIs


Acute seroconversion

  • Influenza-like illness
  • Rash
  • ...

Chronic HIV

  • Fever
  • Weight loss
  • Dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis
  • Dysphagia, diarrhea
  • Anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia
  • Metabolic derangements
  • [Opportunistic infections](Complications/Opportunistic infections/Opportunistic infections.md)


  • HIV serology
    • If concern for acute seroconversion syndrome, may need to repeat serology
  • HIV viral load and CD4 count


Initial management


  • HIV viral load
    • Every 4 to 6 weeks until undetectable
    • Then every 3 months until undetectable for 1 year
    • Then every 6 months
  • CD4 count
    • Every 3 to 4 months until viral load undetectable and CD4 count >350 for 1 year
    • Then every 6 months until viral load undetectable for at least 2 years and CD4 count > 500
    • Then stop monitoring routinely unless evidence of treatment failure
    • Assess for failure if RNA level remains detectable at 24 weeks or if it increases to above 50 at any time
  • Repeat RNA level within 4 weeks