Pain, erythema, and tenderness in the regional lymph node, followed by lymphangitis that spreads distally
Caused by inflammation from the death of an adult worm
Acute Dermatolymphangioadenitis
Bacterial infection of the small lymphatics causing fevers, chills, and pain
Often diagnosed as cellulitis, and can have a reticular pattern (compared to linear, in AFL)
May have history of preceding trauma or injury
Brugian Adenolymphangitis
A single abscess along the lymphatics that can drain and scar
Tropical Pulmonary Eosinophilia
Hypersensitivity response to the filaria migrating through the lungs
Mostly occurs in India but also Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Guyana, and Southeast Asia
More common in men aged 20 to 40 years
Causes a paroxysmal non-productive cough, more severe at night (during microfilaremia), with wheezing, low-grade fever, adenopathy, malaise, and weight loss
Eosinophils usually very high, above 3, as well as high IgE titres and anti-filarial antibody titres
Chest x-ray can be normal or show diffuse small infiltrates with increased bronchovascular markings
Can progress to restrictive lung disease and diffuse interstitial fibrosis