Hepatitis A virus: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:RNA viruses]]
[[Category:Gastrointestinal infections]]
[[Category:Viral hepatitis]]

Revision as of 10:32, 7 August 2020



  • Non-enveloped RNA virus within the Picornavirus family
  • Three genotypes, I through III
  • Difficult to kill: needs higher temperatures and lower pH than other viruses, or bleach- or ammonium-based cleaners


  • Fecal-oral transmission with person-to-person spread (including sex)
  • Can be transmitted by contaminated food and water, as well
  • Most often linked to travel or to household contacts

Clinical Manifestations

  • Incubation period is from 15 to 50 days, with an average of 28 days



IgM IgG Interpretation
No recent infection (unless in the incubation period). No prior infection or vaccination.
+ No infection. Prior infection or vaccination.
? + Cannot rule out active infection. Prior infection or vaccination.
+ +/– Acute or recent infection. IgM positive from 2 weeks until 3-12 months. IgG positive from 8-12 weeks and remains positive for lifetime.


  1. ^  J. T. Stapleton. Host Immune Response To Hepatitis A Virus. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1995;171(Supplement 1):S9-S14. doi:10.1093/infdis/171.supplement_1.s9.