Triple sugar iron agar

From IDWiki
  • Contains three sugars (lactose, sucrose, and glucose) as well as iron, within a solid agar medium
    • Peptone as a source of nitrogen
    • Medium is originally reddish due to the phenol red indicator, which turns yellow in acidic conditions
    • Tubes contain a well-oxygenated slant and a poorly-oxygenated butt which need to be interpreted separately
    • Inoculated with a stab down towards the butt followed by streaking the slant
  • After 18 to 24 hours at 35°C with a loose cap, the final colour depends on the metabolism of the four components
    • Glucose alone fermented: butt turns yellow (acid), slant stays red (alkaline) (Alk/A)
    • Lactose or sucrose fermented: both butt and slant turn yellow (acid) (A/A)
    • No fermentation of glucose, lactose, or sucrose: both butt and slant stay red (Alk/Alk)
    • Iron: if hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is produced, the iron will turn black
    • Gas may be formed with active fermentation of either glucose or lactose/sucrose


  • Blackening suggests H2S production
Slant Butt Gas H2S Fermentation Examples
Red Red No No Pseudomonas
Red Yellow No No G Shigella, Serratia
Yellow Yellow Yes No G/L/S Escherichia, Klebsiella, Enterobacter
Yellow Yellow Yes Yes G/L/S
Red Yellow Yes Yes G Salmonella, Proteus

Further Reading