Thyroid enlargement and nodules

From IDWiki

Risk Factors for Malignancy

  • History of childhood head and neck radiation therapy
  • Total body radiation for bone marrow transplantation
  • Exposure to ionizing radiation from fallout in childhood or adolescence
  • Familial thyroid carcinoma
  • Thyroid cancer syndrome (e.g., PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome [Cowden's disease], FAP, Carney complex, Werner syndrome/progeria, or MEN 2, a risk for medullary thyroid cancer [MTC]) in a first-degree relative
  • Rapid nodule growth
  • Hoarseness


Incidental thyroid nodules

  • If it's larger than 1cm, measure TSH
    • If TSH low, radioactive iodine (RAI) or technitium uptake and scan to see if it is "hot" or "cold"
      • If "hot", you're done; it's almost never cancer
  • Get an ultrasound, too
    • Features suggestive of malignancy: hypoechoic, irregular margins, microcalcifications, and taller-than-wide
    • 20-70% of adults have thyroid nodules on ultrasound
  • Fine needle aspirate for noncystic nodules greater than 1–2 cm
    • If FNA shows Bethesda III (undetermined significance), repeat FNA or do molecular testing


  • Acute
  • Chronic


Further Reading