Sickle cell disease

From IDWiki


  • Genetic mutation of the hemoglobin beta chain, most commonly an E6V substitution, causing the formation of hemoglobin S
  • Most common in people with African ancestry, though also occurs in Hispanic, southern European, Middle Eastern, and Indian people
  • Life expectancy is 20-30 years shorter

Clinical Manifestations

  • Chronic anemia


  • Four major sickle crises:
    • Vasoocclusive pain crisis
    • Hemolytic crisis
    • Aplastic crisis (often associated with parvovirus)
    • Splenic sequestration crisis


  • Hemoglobin quantification can help to identify the type of sickle cell disease
    • HbS is sickle hemoglobin
    • HbA is normal adult hemoglobin and HbA2 is the minor variant of adult hemoglobin
    • HbF is fetal hemoglobin
    • HbC is a hemoglobin variant that causes sickle cell disease when paired with HbS
Genotype Hb (g/L) HbS (%) HbA (%) HbA2 (%) HbF (%) HbC (%)
AS (trait) normal ≤40 >60 <3.5 ≤1
SS 60-90 >90 <3.5 <10
0-thalassemia 70-90 >80 >3.5 <20
+-thalassemia 90-120 >60 10-30 >3.5 <20
SC 90-140 50 <3.5 ≤1 45