Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms

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Clinical Manifestations

DRESS Scoring System

  • Developed for RegiSCAR, though I can't seem to find a primary reference


Criterion -1 0 1 2 Notes
Fever ≥38.5ºC No/U Yes
Enlarged lymph nodes No/U Yes >1 cm in ≥2 areas
—Eosinophils (if WBC ≥4), or 0.7-1.49 ≥1.5
—Eosinophils (if WBC <4) 10-19.9% ≥20%
Atypical lymphocytes No/U Yes
—Skin rash (%BSA) No/U >50%
—Skin rash suggesting DRESS No U Yes ≥2 of: purpuric lesions (other than legs), infiltration, facial edema, psoriasiform desquamation
—Biopsy suggesting DRESS No Yes/U
Organ involvement
—Liver involvement No/U Yes Maximum score of 2
—Kidney involvement No/U Yes
—Muscle or heart involvement No/U Yes
—Pancreas involvement No/U Yes
—Other organ involvement No/U Yes
Resolution ≥15 days No/U Yes
Exclusion of other causes Yes at least 3 tests were done and negative: HAV, HBV, HCV, ANA, blood cultures, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia


Interpretation Points
Definite ≥6
Probable 4-5
Possible 2-3
Not DRESS ≤1


  • Cessation of offending medication
  • Most common treatment is prednisone 0.5 to 1 mg/kg (or equivalent glucocorticoid), tapered over 6 to 12 weeks once there is clinical improvement
    • No strong evidence to support this practice
  • If no improvement with prednisone at regular doses, can consider pulse steroids for 3 days
  • People have also tried IVIG, Mycobacterium, cyclosporine, cyclophosphamide, and several biologics (anti-IL5, anti-CD20, JAK inhibitors)
  • Resolution is slow, and can recur or relapse, and some patients are left with chronic complications

Further Reading