
From IDWiki


  • Filamentous, mostly branching Gram-positive bacilli
  • The order Actinomycetales includes the aerobic actinomycetes
  • Environmental organisms found in soil
  • More commonly seen in fungal cultures
  • Typically not acid-fast, though some are partially acid-fast


Genus Infections
Partially acid-fast (cell wall contains mycolic acid)
Nocardia mycetoma, lymphocutaneous infections, skin abscesses; in immunocompromised hosts, invasive pulmonary and disseminated infections
Rhodococcus pulmonary infections, bacteremia, skin and wound infections, UTIs, endophthalmitis, peritonitis, CLABSI, abscess in prostate, spleen, thyroid, kidney, or brain, osteomyelitis; associated with horses
Gordonia skin infections, chronic pulmonary disease, CLABSI, wound infections, bacteremia
Tsukamurella peritonitis, CLABSI, skin infection
Not partially acid-fast (cell wall does not contain mycolic acid)
Streptomyces commonly contaminant; inoculation skin infection including mycetoma
Actinomadura inoculation skin infection including mycetoma
Dermatophilus inoculation skin infection from insects or thorns